Process manufacturing involves a lot of critical parts. You need fast, friendly, and flexible service you can depend on. From food and beverages to pharmaceuticals and plastics, we have the products and support you need to ensure your operations run smoothly. Founded in 1972, Fluid Conditioning has the brands you love, and the expertise you can count on.
3M Purification
- Absolute rated pleated and depth cartridges
- Membrane filters
- Bag filters
- Self-cleaning stainless filters
- Charged media
- Full line of filter housings

Fluid Engineering
- Pipeline metal strainers includ- ing automatic self-cleaning, simplex, duplex, “Y” and “T” type strainers

Graver Technologies / Consler Filtration
- Air, gas and liquid filtration
- Air intake filters
- Oil mist eliminators
- Vacuum and coalescing filters
- HEPA and ULPA filters
- Custom OEM filters and housings

Global Filtration
- GRU-V Series Resin Bonded

Hayward Flow Control (available in PPL, PVC, CPVC, and PVDF)
- Extensive line of plastic valves including:
- two-way and three way true union ball valves
- proportional control valves
- pneumatic and electric actuated control valves
- Plastic pipeline strainers including simplex, duplex, and “Y” strainers

Knight Corporation
- Full line of filter bag products in- cluding polypropylene, polyester, NMO and PEM bags
- Multi-layer absolute rated bags
- Custom designs and engineered media capabilities

Rosedale Products
- Single and multi-bag housings
- PPL housings
- Centrifugal separators
- Backwashing systems
- Stainless steel cartridges
- Bag cartridges
- Bag filters
- Custom OEM available
- Portable filter carts

- Hydraulic filter elements and housings including inline, high pressure and spin-ons

Critical Filtration
- Clarification
- Particle Filtration
- Bioburden Control & Reduction
- Sterilization
- Vent Filtration
- Prefiltration

Thermal Transfer Products
- OEM specifif
- Air cooled heat exchangers
- Brazed plate
- Shell and tube oil coolers

Paul Mueller Company
- Design and manufacture of plate and frame heat exchangers
- Temp-plate
- Clamp-on
- Immersion sections
- OEM and custom system capabilities

Orange Research
- Differential pressure gauges
- Liquid and gas flow meters
- Differential and flow transmitters
and switches - OEM and custom design

- Level gauges including ROTO Bindicators, paddle wheel, RF probes and Yo Yo’s
- Tuning forks

- Differential gauges
- Transmitters